
About Polimdo

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The Manado State Polytechnic is geographically located in the northern part of the Eastern Region of Indonesia which is directly adjacent to countries in the Pacific region. This geographical location has a strategic meaning in the future for the existence of the Manado State Polytechnic as a vocational education institution that produces Human Resources in accordance with competency standards in the era of global competition.

Manado State Polytechnic has 6 Departments Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Accounting, Business Management, Tourism) and 19 Study Programs

9 Study Program DIII: Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Accounting, Business Administration, Marketing Management, Tourism, Undersea Ecotourism, Travel Business

10 Applied Undergraduate Study Programs: Building Construction, Road Bridge Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Production and Maintenance Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronic Engineering Technology, Tax Accounting, Financial Accounting, Business Management, Hospitality

Vision :       Polytechnic Becomes a Leading Vocational Education Provider in Producing Human Resources That Meets Global Competency Standards And Becomes a Center for Training and Application of Technology


In order to achieve the above vision, the strategic plan of the relevant institutions is related to efforts to encourage the improvement of the community's production capacity through the following:

  • Creating a system of education and teaching services based on quality and productivity.
  • The creation of quality / competency of graduates according to applicable standards.
  • Building the competitiveness of graduates in the world of work (Job Placement Center, TOEFL, etc).
  • Improving the professional ability of teaching staff in the process of education and teaching services with a focus on “excellent productions and services".
  • The creation of effectiveness and efficiency of applied technology-based education and teaching processes that can produce industrial supporting products that are ultimately used by the user community (stakeholders).
  • Improving the educational qualifications and skills of staff through a structured staff development plan for institutional development towards the readiness to open an applied master's program.
  • Creation Health Organization through the clarity of the direction of institutional development, in Long Term Strategic Plan, ability Leadership with a commitment to quality improvement.
  • The creation of industrial cooperation that is able to provide mutually beneficial contributions between the two parties, especially increasing the competence of graduates and creating appropriate technological equipment in the agricultural and plantation sectors.
  • The increase in income as a result of the implementation of the main tasks and functions of institutions (income generating activities). Referring to the strategic plan above associated with the PEDP program assignment program which is in line with the development of the Sulawesi MP3EI corridor IV, the focus of the implementation of the PEDP program is directed at the creation of equipment efficient production that can be used to process coconut products and their derivatives so as to increase added value (Added Value) from products produced by the community from the coconut sector and its derivatives


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